
DUI Walk-and-Turn Test

Question: What are Some Possible Defenses for Failing the Walk-and-Turn Test in Alabama?

Answer: The walk-and-turn test is a standardized field sobriety test promulgated by NHTSA. The standardization and validation required for the test to be accurate must be instructed and evaluated in a very specific manner. There are eight clues on the walk-and-turn test: the person can’t balance during the instruction stage; the person starts too soon; the person stops walking; they don’t touch heel-to-toe; they step off of the line; they use their arms for balance; an incorrect turn is performed; or the wrong number of steps are taken. Two or more clues are required for the likelihood of a .08 or greater blood alcohol result; however, even when the test is administered and critiqued in an accurate way, the standardization says it’s only a 68% accurate test. Possible defenses to this test are: the way this test is instructed; the way it’s interpreted; the location and condition of where the test is administered; or the physical condition of the client. Many times we find that the officer does not provide a designated line for the person to walk on, leaving fertile ground for us to defend the case and the admissibility of this test.

Client Reviews
Whitney Polson is a no-nonsense attorney who delivered exactly what he said he would on my case...thank you so much sir...I would definitely recommend anyone facing a DUI to retain this man. D.B.
If you are looking for an attorney I must recommend Mark Polson of Polson & Polson. My case was successfully moved from a February to a December court date and was dismissed. I am extremely please with the way this firm handled the case and was able to secure the dismissal. Thank you again to Polson & Polson for your professionalism and knowledge that we needed for this situation. Best Regards to all. Julie C.
Wow! I never could have hoped for our lawyer to work as fast as he did but Whitney was lightning fast! Very attentive to the details, never left me hanging along the journey-I used online reviews in choosing him and now I want to pass that on-if you need a lawyer (ours was a traffic court case with complications), I HIGHLY recommend this firm! Claire B.
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