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Jefferson County Tax Evasion Lawyer

The federal, state, and local governments all rely on collecting taxes from Jefferson County citizens to function. As such, there are numerous laws that penalize intentional or even negligent acts that result in unpaid or unreported tax liabilities.

These laws come with harsh penalties, and defending against accusations of tax evasion often involves dealing with the weighty resources of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Hiring a Jefferson County tax evasion lawyer may be a wise investment when facing allegations of skipping tax payment. A well-versed fraud attorney could explain your rights and build a defense case on your behalf.

Tax Evasion Laws

There are both civil and criminal laws that prohibit tax evasion at both the state and the federal level. At the state level, Alabama Code §40-29-110 prohibits any willful effort to avoid paying taxes. Nondisclosure of taxable assets can run afoul of this law, as may an attempt to avoid paying a known and recognized tax obligation.

There are also other laws that might impact a case of purported tax evasion. To name just one example, the IRS could pursue federal charges against allegedly unpaid taxes and may issue civil penalties and fines. A consultation with a Jefferson County tax evasion attorney may help to unscramble the specific accusations that could be on the table in a particular case.

Penalties for Tax Evasion

The state law that prohibits tax evasion carries significant penalties for a conviction. As a felony offense, it could result in up to five years in jail and fines of up to $100,000, or $500,000 if the alleged offender is a corporation.

It should be noted that the IRS may also pursue its own penalties and has numerous options regarding how to do so. As an experienced defense attorney could explain, not filing a tax return on time or underreporting income may lead to a penalty.

Also, if the IRS even suspects an error is intentional, the issue could move from a civil offense to a criminal one, the latter of which carries higher penalties. Even if a criminal case does begin, penalties that apply to negligent civil offenses may still be on the table simple if the alleged criminal offense involves fraud.

The Statute of Limitations for Tax Liabilities

Contrary to some other criminal charges, tax evasion comes with a statute of limitations that requires prosecutors and the IRS to file criminal charges sooner rather than later. Since there are so many different actions that the state or the IRS can take against purported tax evaders, there are also different statutes of limitations that could be in effect for a given situation.

Typically, tax evasion allegations must be brought within six years of the alleged offense. A discussion with a tax evasion lawyer in Jefferson County could clarify if this is the case in a given circumstance.

What a Jefferson County Tax Evasion Attorney Could Do to Help

If you were accused of tax evasion or notified that you are about to be audited by the IRS, talking to a Jefferson County tax evasion lawyer could be a wise decision to make. There are numerous options that the IRS can take to secure what it believes is owed to them in tax liabilities, and fully understanding what might happen could help you make an informed decision that protects your interests. Protect your financial well-being for tomorrow and call an attorney today.

Client Reviews
Whitney Polson is a no-nonsense attorney who delivered exactly what he said he would on my case...thank you so much sir...I would definitely recommend anyone facing a DUI to retain this man. D.B.
If you are looking for an attorney I must recommend Mark Polson of Polson & Polson. My case was successfully moved from a February to a December court date and was dismissed. I am extremely please with the way this firm handled the case and was able to secure the dismissal. Thank you again to Polson & Polson for your professionalism and knowledge that we needed for this situation. Best Regards to all. Julie C.
Wow! I never could have hoped for our lawyer to work as fast as he did but Whitney was lightning fast! Very attentive to the details, never left me hanging along the journey-I used online reviews in choosing him and now I want to pass that on-if you need a lawyer (ours was a traffic court case with complications), I HIGHLY recommend this firm! Claire B.